Richard Kenyon and Kenneth Stephenson, "Shape convergence for aggregate tiles in conformal tiling", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (2019).

M. ur Rehman, K., Erhart, J. Kielbasa, S. Meeks, Z. Li, T. Willoughby, T. Rahman, P. Kelly, K. Stephenson, "An optimized approach for robust spot placement in proton pencil beam scanning", Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol 64, No. 23 (2019).

Varda F. Hagh, Eric I. Corwin, Kenneth Stephenson, and M. F. Thorpe, "A broader view of jamming: from spring networks to circle packing", Soft Matter, Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Vol 15 (2019), pages 3076--3084.

Philip L. Bowers and Kenneth Stephenson, "Conformal tilings {II}: Local isomorphism, hierarchy, and conformal type", Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, Vol 23 (2019), pages 52-104.

S. Kim, G. Dreifus, B. Beard, A. Glick, A. Messing, J. Lindahl, P. Liu, T. Smith, J. Failla, B. Post, J. C. Bowers, A. A. Hassen, K. Stephenson, L. Love, and V. Kunc, "Graded infill structure of wind turbine blade core accounting for internal stress in Big Area Additive Manufacturing", Conference Paper, CAMX 2018 - Dallas, Texas, October 2018.

S. Kim, X. Chen, G. Dreifus, J. Lindahl, I. Kang, J-H Kim, M. Selim, D. Nuttall, A. Messing, A. Nycz, R. Minneci, J. C. Bowers, B. Braswell, B. Pipes, A. A. Hassen, K. Stephenson, and V. Kunc, "An integrated design approach for infill patterning of fused deposition modeling and its application to an airfoil", Reviewed technical report, SAMPE 2017 - Seattle, Intern. SAMPE Technical Conference, (2017), pages 2136--2148. (Note: First Place in the Outstanding Technical Paper Awards.)

Kenneth Stephenson (with Charles Collins, Gerald Orick), "A linearized circle packing algorithm", Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Vol 64 (2017), pages 13-19. (Associated with MatLabGOPack package, MatLab File Exchange).  

Kenneth Stephenson (with Philip L. Bowers), "Conformal tilings I: Foundations, theory, and practice", Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, Vol 21 (2017), pages 1-63.

Kenneth Stephenson (with James Ashe, Edward Crane), "Circle packing with generalized branching", The Journal of Analysis, Springer, Vol 24 (2016), pages 251-276.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Christoper Sass, George Brock Williams), "Circle packings on conformal and affine tori", Computational Algebraic and Analytic Geometry, Editors Mika Sepp\"al\"a and Emil Volcheck, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol 572 (2012), pages 211-220.

Kenneth Stephenson (with David Bauer, Elias Wegert), "Circle packings as differentiable manifolds", Beitr\"age zur Algebra und Geometrie, Springer-Verlag, Vol 53, Issue 2 (2012), pages 399-420.

Kenneth Stephenson (with M. K. Hurdal), "Discrete Conformal Methods for Cortical Brain Flattening", NeuroImage, Vol 45, Issue 1, Supplement 1 (2009), pages S86-S98. (Provided this issue's cover image).

Kenneth Stephenson (with M. K. Hurdal), "Cortical cartography using the discrete conformal approach of circle packings", Neurolmage, Vol 23, Supplement 1 (2004), pages S119-S128.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Circle packing: A mathematical tale", Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Vol 50 (2003), no 11, pages 1376-1388. (This was the issue's cover article).

Kenneth Stephenson (with Ch. R. Collins, T. A. Driscoll), "Curvature flow in conformal mapping", Computational Methods and Function Theory, Vol 3 (2003), pages 325-347.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Charles R. Collins), "A circle packing algorithm", Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Vol 25 (2003), pages 233-256.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Circle packing and discrete analytic function theory", Handbook of Complex Analysis, Vol 1: Geometric Function Theory (R. Kuhnau, ed.), Elsevier, Chapter 11 (2002).

Kenneth Stephenson (with Monica K. Hurdal, De Witt L. Sumners, Kelly Rehm, Kirt Schaper, Philip L. Bowers, David A. Rottenberg), "A quasi-conformal map of the cerebellar cortex", NeuroImage, Vol 9 (1999), page S194.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Monica K. Hurdal, De Witt L. Sumners, Philip L. Bowers, David A. Rottenberg), "CirclePack software for creating quasi-conformal flat maps of the human brain", NeuroImage, Vol 9 (1999), page S250.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Monica K. Hurdal, De Witt L. Sumners, Philip L. Bowers, David A. Rottenberg), "Generating conformal flat maps of the cortical surface via circle packing", NeuroImage, Vol 9 (1999), page S195.

Kenneth Stephenson (with M. K. Hurdal, P. L. Bowers, D. W. L. Sumners, K. Rehm, K. Schaper, D. A. Rottenberg), "Quasi-conformally flat mapping the human cerebellum", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI'99 (C. Taylor and A. Colchester, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 1679 (1999), Springer, Berlin, pages 279-286.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Approximation of conformal structures via circle packing", Computational Methods and Function Theory 1997, Proceedings of the Third CMFT Conference (N. Papamichael, St. Ruscheweyh, and E. B. Saff, eds.), Vol 11, World Scientific (1999), pages 551-582.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Philip L. Bowers), "A "regular" pentagonal tiling of the plane", Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, Vol 1 (1997), pages 58-86.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Dov Aharanov), "Geometric sequences of discs in the Apollonian packing", Algebra i Analiz, dedicated to Goluzin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol 9 (1997), pages 104-140.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Philip L. Bowers), "A branched Andreev-Thurston theorem for circle packings of the sphere", Proceedings, London Mathematical Society (3), Vol 73 (1996), pages 185-215.

Kenneth Stephenson, "A probabilistic proof of Thurston's conjecture on circle packings", Rendiconti del Seminario Mate. e Fisico di Milano, Vol LXVI (1996), pages 201-291.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Tomasz Dubejko), "The branched Schwarz lemma: a classical result via circle packing", Michigan Mathematics Journal, Vol 42 (1995), pages 211-234.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Tomasz Dubejko), "Circle packing: Experiments in discrete analytic function theory", Experimental Mathematics, Vol 4, no. 4 (1995), pages 307-348.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Alan F. Beardon, Tomasz Dubejko), "Spiral hexagonal circle packings in the plane", Geometriae Dedicata, Vol 49 (1994), pages 39-70.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Philip L. Bowers), "Circle packings in surfaces of finite type: An in situ approach with applications to moduli", Topology, Vol 32 (1993), pages 157-183.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Philip L. Bowers), "The set of circle packing points in the Teichmuller space of a surface of finite conformal type is dense", Mathematical Proceedings, Cambridge Philisophical Society, Vol 111 (1992), pages 487-513.

Kenneth Stephenson (with David A. Stegenga), "Sharp geometric estimates of the distance to VMOA", Contemporary Mathematics, The Madison Symposium on Complex Analysis, American Mathematical Society, Vol 137 (1991), pages 421-432.

Kenneth Stephenson (with A. K. Lyzzaik), "The structure of open continuous mappings having two valences", Transactions, American Mathematical Society, Vol 327 (1991), pages 525-566.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Alan F. Beardon), "Circle packings in different geometries", Tohoku Mathematics Journal, Vol 43 (1991), pages 27-36.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Alan F. Beardon), "The Schwarz-Pick lemma for circle packings", Illinois Journal of Mathematics, Vol 35 (1991), pages 577-606.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Alan F. Beardon), "The uniformization theorem for circle packings", Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol 39 (1990), pages 1383-1425.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Circle packings in the approximation of conformal mappings", Bulletin, American Mathematical Society (Research Announcements), Vol 23, no. 2 (1990), pages 407-415.

Kenneth Stephenson, "The geometry of image surfaces of analytic functions", Bounded Mean Oscillation in Complex Analysis (Ilpo Laine and Eero Posti, eds.), University of Joensuu Publications in Sciences, No. 14 (1989), pages 101-120.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Concerning the Gross star theorem", Complex Analysis (I. Laine, S. Rickman, and T. Sorvali, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Joensuu 1987, Proceedings of the thirteenth {Nevanlinna} Colloquium, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol 1351 (1988), pages 328-338.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Construction of an inner function in the little Bloch space", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol 308 (1988), pages 713-720.

Kenneth Stephenson (with David A. Stegenga), "Generic covering properties for spaces of analytic functions II", Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol 126 (1987), pages 153-163.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Analytic functions sharing level curves and tracts", Annals of Mathematics, Vol 123 (1986), pages 107-144.

Kenneth Stephenson (with David A. Stegenga), "Generic covering properties for spaces of analytic functions", Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol 119 (1985), pages 227-243.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Carl Sundberg), "Level curves of inner functions", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (3), Vol 51 (1985), pages 77-94.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Analytic functions of finite valence, with applications to Toeplitz operators", Michigan Mathematics Journal, Vol 32 (1985), pages 5-19.

Kenneth Stephenson (with C. Belna, W. Cohn, G. Piranian), "Level sets of special Blaschke products", Michigan Mathematics Journal, Vol 29 (1982), pages 79-81.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Donald Marshall), "Inner divisors and composition operators", Journal of Functional Analysis, Vol 46 (1982), pages 131-148.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Analytic functions and hypergroups of function pairs", Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol 31 (1982), pages 843-884.

Kenneth Stephenson (with David A. Stegenga), "A geometric characterization of analytic functions with bounded mean oscillation", Journal, London Mathematical Society (2), Vol 24 (1981), pages 243-254.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Weak subordination and stable classes of meromorphic functions", Transactions, American Mathematical Society, Vol 262 (1980), pages 565-577.

Kenneth Stephenson (with Douglas Campbell, Joseph Cima), "A Bloch function in all H^p classes, but not in BMOA", Proceedings, American Mathematical Society, Vol 78 (1980), pages 229-230.

Kenneth Stephenson, "The finite range of an inner function", Bulletin, London Mathematical Society, Vol 11 (1979), pages 300-303.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Functions which follow inner functions", Illinois Journal of Mathematics, Vol 23 (1979), pages 259-266.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Omitted values of singular inner functions", Michigan Mathematics Journal, Vol 25 (1978), pages 91-100.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Certain integral equalities which imply equimeasurability of functions", Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol XXIX (1977), pages 827-844.

Kenneth Stephenson, "Isometries of the Nevanlinna class", Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol 26 (1977), pages 307-324.

Ken Stephenson

Ken Stephenson - Mathematician
Ken Stephenson - Mathematician